Finding More Quiet in My Day

I’ve been craving quiet lately and decided to follow my intuition. I spent two nights this past week at a Monastery a few hours away.  I’ve always been drawn to monks for some reason.  The quiet, the routines and the lovely singing.  My goal was to find more quiet and unplug and I did.  I napped, read and attended their services filled with music.  I loved every minute of my stay and would love to go again next year.

It seems that silence can actually help us both physically and mentally.  Silence may help your health in several ways, including:

If you have been wanting to incorporate more quiet in your day here are a few ideas for how you can. 

Ways you can find more quiet in your day:

  • Wake up earlier.  Even 15 minutes to take advantage of the quiet house.

  • Shut down all devices off an hour or two before bed.  

  • Let other family members know your intention to help with accountability.

  • Finding quiet out in nature is a bonus

Are you craving some quiet in your day?