‘Tis the Season to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. I know I already do to some extent. As much as I love this time of year: the lights, the festivities and the oh so yummy food I also don’t love how many directions I feel like I’m being pulled in. How many things I feel like I should be doing or buying. I’m officially giving myself permission to let some things go this year and I hope you will, too.
I’m starting with a list for myself of the absolute necessities to get through the holidays. And reminding myself it’s okay to say no to the things that aren’t. Years ago I let go of holiday cards and that has continued to feel like the right decision for me. I love the idea of less is more in terms of gifts and spending instead on experiences. What are some things that you can let go of this year?
And I’m saying out loud to myself that each day during this holiday season I will:
Drink plenty of water
Rest when I need to
Say No to the things that I need to for my well being
Enjoy the holidays for what they are intended to be; spending time with family and friends.
I have gift certificates available for that gift of organizing you’d like to give to that special someone. I’d love to help your friends and loved ones feel more organized in the New Year! Feel free to reach out with any questions you have.