10 Days to a Tidy Holiday

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What are your plans for the holidays?  Will you stay home and celebrate with your immediate family?  One thing is for sure things will look a little differently this holiday season.

Whether you’re hunkering down with your immediate household or spending the holidays by yourself, I put this list together because I knew I’d like reminders on how to keep my house tidy this holiday season.  

So set a timer for 20 minutes, put on fun holiday music and get started.

10 Days to a Tidy Holiday

Day 1: Decorate your home 

Day 2: Make your gift list 

Day 3: Mail your boxes

Day 4: Send holiday cards 

Day 5: Create your menu

Day 6: Take inventory of your gift wrapping supplies 

Day 7: Give away one bag of clothing or food

Day 8: Clean out your refrigerator  (bonus you will know what you need and what you already have and what you thought you had and it is expired!)

Day 9: Make your grocery list 

Day 10: Driving somewhere? Do you need to service your car? Schedule it.

For extra inspiration follow me on Instagram @thoughtfulorganizing

P.S. If you’d like to give friends or loved ones the gift of organization, I have beautiful gift certificates for working with me.