How’s your year going so far?! Hope you’re off to a great start in 2020. Sometimes the beginning of the year can be overwhelming - big goals, long to do lists, etc. So to lighten things up and make sure I was starting off on the right foot...especially in my business, I did these three fun things.
Mark off your days off on your calendar for the rest of the year. Even if you haven’t planned any trips, you know when your holiday days off will be and roughly when you’ll take off with your kids to visit the grandparents.
Set a timer for ten minutes and clear your workspace or desk. Throw away trash, put coffee mugs in the kitchen where they belong, take stock of any supplies you’re low in (a new pad of sticky notes is so satisfying).
Make a vision board with colorful pictures ( I used mostly travel, food and fashion magazines) and inspiring words. I love to visually lay out the things I’m setting my intentions toward.
I’m opening up three slots for my next 12-Week Reboot, February 3.
My expertise is in setting up systems that will get and keep your business organized. With my eyes on how you are functioning in the office, we will quickly identify ways that you can do things better, easier, faster and cut out the extras that are driving you crazy.
In this 12-week program I will help you identify your goals then meet with you each week to help you stay on track, create the systems we’ve identified, and give you guidance on how you can organize your business.
If you’d like to know more, give me a call !